Moles. Who really wants to discuss them? Look at them? Unlike Cindy Crawford, not everyones are as fashionable and iconic. I've had a mole, for as long as I can remember, on my upper lip. It's small and doesn't really stand out. I have never really contemplated waxing my lip because I have blond hair and am afraid of pain. However, yesterday I was in my car on the way to a meeting and I felt something odd on my upper lip. A course, long hair. When I got to my meeting place, I pulled down my visor mirror and couldn't believe what I was seeing. A lone, rogue black hair.
When the hell did that appear? It had to have been overnight since I know I would have noticed something like that. I was at a loss. Only 90 year old women develop such an unsightly growth. And this one was taunting me. As I breathed out of my nose, I could feel it move. When I was talking on the phone, I could feel it flopping around. Every time I looked down to check my speed, the hair would turn and stare back at me as if it was pondering its' sudden existence on my face.
As you know, I carry an emergency kit in my car for the events that I plan (see "Fat Gods" post). I couldn't find the tweezers, however, I did find a small pair of scissors and thought I would be able to fix it all before running in to talk to my professional peers. I grabbed the scissors, got back in my car and just as I was getting ready to lift them to my lip...
Knock. Knock. Knock. Wrapping on my drivers side window. I looked up and noticed one of my fellow professionals standing next to my car. I didn't want to call attention to my I opened the door and pretended that I had a string on my sweater that I was trying to get rid of. Problem, I couldn't find a I actually pulled a small piece of my sweater and cut it...producing a small hole that will inevitably develop into a larger hole, most likely in front of a group of strangers, at a later date.
Long story short, I ended up having to put the scissors away and walk up to my meeting place with this bonehead...and spent the rest of the meeting acting like I was thinking really hard by covering my upper lip constantly with my hand.
And the status of the hair you ask? I came home from my meeting, went straight to the bathroom and plucked like a mad woman! Mark my words, I will wax the next time this happens - and yell "Kelly Clarkson" as she pulls the strip!