
Who comes up with this shit?

There is something in my office whose slogan is:
"The finest swallow in town!"
Can you guess what it is??


Paul Champagne said...

I tried cheating and googled it ... I just came up with this post. So I will try to guess ...


Memo's Mind said...

Nice guess...but nope!

Sarah said...

it sucks as it cuts, well it certainly does suck....

my guess is either a coworker with a sense of humor or and advertisement for birds????

Jenny! said...

Is it a bird sanctuary or a retirement home!

Jenny! said...

This has been bugging me all day...what is it???

Memo's Mind said...

Drum Roll Please....

And the answer is: the water cooler. That is one ingenious marketing campaign. At first I thought that that was the stupidest slogan ever, but I bet when I am 99 years old, someone could shout at me, "Hey Granny, who has the finest swallow in town?" and I will say "PureFlo Drinking Water!"

Jenny! said...

Hmmm, never would have guessed that! Still kind of gross though...or is that just me! I never drink out of the water cooler at work...have you seen what it looks like in the resevoir when you change it???? Sick...its slogan should be "the finest see monkey specimins in the world"

Jenny! said...

I love your counter thing! Your child may come out with a third leg!!!

Sarah said...

MeMo my blog needs your help, check it out to vote !!!!!