
Oh the Holidays...

MIA...I know. I have been just awful about writing this year and I think it may have been one of my resolutions. Oh well...to go 0for 7 on resolutions doesn't really make you a loser...does it? This year has been such a blur and yet crawled by so slowly at the same time. Just to get you up to speed:

Beth had Ali
Saw Sarah graduate
Sarah is now engaged (about damn time Josue)
Tried IVF...failed miserably
Trying again in early 2007
Got pooped on by a pigeon
Saw the Padres blow it in the Post season again
My best friend, Kelly, had a little boy named Ryan
My friend, Ryan, had a little boy named Caleb
Coordinated quite a few weddings this year
JR re-enlisted
Had laryngitis

All the things that TG chewed/ate in 2006:

*Woke up this morning to find that TG had chewed up my Econ notebook...considering I only have one more week of class and I can use my notes on my final...I thought I might kill her.
*McDonalds nuggets (6), french fries (Large), a ketchup packet and a honey mustard pack
*Countless magazines
*1 Inhaler
*1 Bottle of Lotion
*1 Bean and Cheese burrito from Del Taco (w/ green sauce)
*1 brand new pair of sunlgasses...had not even taken the tags off yet. She did though!
*1 Dog bed
*1 Nascar book
*4 movies
*2 XBox games

This pretty much sums up my year. I am not promising anything...but I really have missed the blog scene and will try to be better. Will that suffice?



Sarah said...

Memo this was wonderful!!! What a surprise two posts in one year!

Jenny! said...

I am so glad that you blogged again! Very exciting!!!

Damn husband...eating your sunglasses! This is what Sarah has to look forward too! He he he!

Glad your back...don't go away!!!

Jeanette said...

And TG is still alive?