
Pet Peeves...

I love when people start their sentences out with..."you know what really bugs me..." or "One of my biggest pet peeves is..." I love to know what pisses people off and most of the time they make me laugh. In fact, one of the guys that I work with hates red heads who wear green so much that he started a new website call www.weargreenseered.com. It should be pretty entertaining so check it occasionally.

Well, tonight I was checking my e-mail and came across something that is a really big pet peeve of mine. I thought I would share...

Why is it that someone will receive an e-mail, decide to forward it on, and never check who it was sent to in the first place? If they are just speedy enough and I don't check my e-mail 50 times a day...I could actually end up getting an identical e-mail from two different people. Why must I delete both copies? Why can't you check who it was originally sent to (Aunty Linda) and not send it to me a second time (JR's mom)?

A little food for thought...what's your pet peeve?


Sarah said...

top pet peeve, sisters who dont blog on a regular basis :)

forwarded emails in general

people who have jobs but dont do them


student excuses!!!!!! (though I admit they are entertaining!)

illogical and half assed arguments ( I love to argue and people who dont try to argue back irritate me)

this could go on for a while....

Jenny! said...

I have so many that posting them in a blog's not an option!

Jenny! said...

I hate people that walk slow and don't know where they are going.

I hate dumb people.

I hate ignorance.

I hate annoying moms who think they know everything and actually don't have a fuckign clue.

I hate people who stink.

Um, Let me get back to you on this!!!!

Jeanette said...

I am a big offender of your pet peeve, sorry to anyone who that affects.

Mine is speech impediments that go unnoticed by the speaker.

Crystal said...

people who pop each other's pimples.