

So...Beth can quite her whining because here is the first entry of the Naomi and Sarah Adventures in Chicago!

#1 - Chicago is hot and sticky! For those of you who have never experienced it...imagine walking around...in 90 degree weather....with a cloud that only dumps water down your back and in your armpits....about every 10 feet. Then mix in the smell of feet...and you have a beautiful day in Chicago!

#2 - Weather aside...we are having a blast (sorry Beth...not to rub it in!). I got to see the new apartment this afternoon and it is way cute! Nice breeze and pretty wood floors...I can't wait to see it put together.

#3 - Sarah and I went to a tea tasting (Mrs. Nesbitt did not attend)! I am more determined now than ever to open a Tea and Spices type shop back home! How fun would that be! Our 5 minute tasting lasted about an hour and we tried 6 different teas. We learned how to properly taste the differences between them...and we learned about Chinese culture and social issues (who KNEW!). It was awesome!

#4 - I had my first taste of Chicago deep dish pizza! It was Canadian Bacon and Pineapple and oh so yummy! We had Brown Cow for the second night in a row and I am going for 4 straight nights before I head back to SoCal! I am sure that Sarah will not be too pleased with 4 nights in a row...but something tells me a little Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough will grease the wheels with her!

#5 - Probably the most important part of my day...I got the Harry Potter book! Don't worry Beth...as soon as I am done reading it I will send it out to you! HA!!!

That's it for now. Monday is the big fun day in Downtown and I can guarantee some mighty awesome pictures! We're going on a boat...so here's hoping that I don't fall in the Chicago River or do something dumb to cause it to sink!!

Holler to my peeps!


Andres said...

A tea shop would be way cool... could I be a teaista (teaisto?)????

P.S. When will summmer end?!?!

120BPM said...

ah yes, the fine chicago summers. Where it's 90 in the day and 89 at night, and you just feel like your head is stuck in a bus exhaust pipe.
used to live there when I was a kid. have a fun trip, and museums are a great place to go to beat the heat!