
Beth and Sarah...not as "Smart" as everyone thinks!

So, I was catching up on some light blog reading this morning and as always...I took a gander at Sarah and Beth's blogs. Always good food for thought and quite honestly...I am quite surprised that there is anyone in this world that has not seen Wayne's World (see Bethiclaus' blog from 10/18/05). However, I have been doing a lot of thinking this morning...and I happen to think these two are morons. Now, I know...they are both in pursuit of their Masters degrees (something I don't have)...and they both achieved their Bachelor's degrees (something else I don't have)...and they are both very well spoken and versed in the classics (movies and books), philosophy, religion and politics and many other higher learning topics of discussion! They brag about themselves and their brilliance on their blogs everytime they post.

I would like for each of you to look back and see if they have ever posted about the time that they thought that the only way to keep the white wall of a tire from showing was by turning it inside out? Or, if they ever blogged about the time that the muffler fell off of Beth's car and what a great idea they thought it would be to have Sarah pick it up bare handed? Notice that no such stories exist on their sites? Coincidence? I think not!


Sarah said...

You know you are jealous!

Andres said...

Ouch! dem's Fighting wurds!

DrinkJack said...

Uh, more stories please :)