
JR Got a Yard of Beef Over HisYard of Beef!

My mom was Jewish. Not a practicing Jew...but Jewish by heritage. That in turn made my sister and I Jewish. We started celebrating Chanukah about 10 years ago. Sarah and I learned some of the prayers and we light the candles and enjoy having a small part of my mom around every holiday season. With that said...

JR's ship came home one day early and I am super duper excited to have him back. We had a lot of catching up to do since he had missed the first 6 nights. Tonight, we all sat down to exchange the gifts and I have to say...I know my boy!

He received a new book, two new movies, a book light, a new CD, gelt...and a Yard of Beef. He could have cared less about the other stuff. My husband is addicted to long, thick sausages. He jumped up and went to cut it open. Just before, however, he did make us proud and did the Happy Gilmore with it.

Note to self: Christmas of 2007, try to find a meter of beef!


Jenny! said...

He's a sausage man! Big thick beef sticks are the gift that keeps on giving! Nothing better than MEAT!

Jeanette said...

Wow, that's totally disgusting. But to each their own. I'm glad your Chanukah present to him made him happy.

Sarah said...

not sure yoiu should really be posting about what happens behind closed bedroom doors but to each their own!!

Jenny! said...

Merry Christmas!!!