
Don't Say Mole...I Said Mole!

Moles. Who really wants to discuss them? Look at them? Unlike Cindy Crawford, not everyones are as fashionable and iconic. I've had a mole, for as long as I can remember, on my upper lip. It's small and doesn't really stand out. I have never really contemplated waxing my lip because I have blond hair and am afraid of pain. However, yesterday I was in my car on the way to a meeting and I felt something odd on my upper lip. A course, long hair. When I got to my meeting place, I pulled down my visor mirror and couldn't believe what I was seeing. A lone, rogue black hair.

When the hell did that appear? It had to have been overnight since I know I would have noticed something like that. I was at a loss. Only 90 year old women develop such an unsightly growth. And this one was taunting me. As I breathed out of my nose, I could feel it move. When I was talking on the phone, I could feel it flopping around. Every time I looked down to check my speed, the hair would turn and stare back at me as if it was pondering its' sudden existence on my face.

As you know, I carry an emergency kit in my car for the events that I plan (see "Fat Gods" post). I couldn't find the tweezers, however, I did find a small pair of scissors and thought I would be able to fix it all before running in to talk to my professional peers. I grabbed the scissors, got back in my car and just as I was getting ready to lift them to my lip...

Knock. Knock. Knock. Wrapping on my drivers side window. I looked up and noticed one of my fellow professionals standing next to my car. I didn't want to call attention to my lip...so I opened the door and pretended that I had a string on my sweater that I was trying to get rid of. Problem, I couldn't find a string...so I actually pulled a small piece of my sweater and cut it...producing a small hole that will inevitably develop into a larger hole, most likely in front of a group of strangers, at a later date.

Long story short, I ended up having to put the scissors away and walk up to my meeting place with this bonehead...and spent the rest of the meeting acting like I was thinking really hard by covering my upper lip constantly with my hand.

And the status of the hair you ask? I came home from my meeting, went straight to the bathroom and plucked like a mad woman! Mark my words, I will wax the next time this happens - and yell "Kelly Clarkson" as she pulls the strip!


Jenny! said...

I love 40 Year Old Virgin!

That is kind of aweful! You got a hairy upper lip! He he he!!!

Next time you have scissors and someone walks up to your car window, just start waving them around and screaming obscenities, that will accomplish two things...

1. They will leave you alone
2. They will be so scared that they won't look at you and not notice the long hair on your lip!

Sarah said...

oh my goodness Memo that is funny. Why is it that these things always happen to you at work????

Sarah said...

by the way... what color is it?

Frank Marcopolos said...

i'm not a big fan of moles, myself/

Jenny! said...

You probably don't check this, but I am so so so happy for you! I knew it!